04.01.2025 - Sobota
30 listopada 2018

Most common diseases of combatants


The necrosis of the fighter's fins appears primarily in the tail area. Fish become ill when they are not provided with adequate physico-chemical conditions and are not fed properly. This promotes the development of bacterial infection. Fin necrosis occurs mainly due to mechanical injuries, excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, poor conditions in the breeding tank and too low water temperature. Bacteria, which live in emergency tanks, attack only weakened fish, contribute to the necrosis of the fighter's fins. The most frequently attacked are dark pigmented fish species such as molynesia, BOJOWNIKI. Fin necrosis occurs in fish of different ages, but young specimens are particularly sensitive, which are dying in large numbers due to it.


The most common cause of eye exophthalmos is sepsis or tuberculosis.

Sepsis can start with a skin infection such as fin necrosis, as well as poor hygienic conditions in the tank. Bacteria penetrate into blood vessels, cause inflammation and destruction. They damage blood vessels in the skin and fin base, damage the heart muscle, cause fluid leakage into the abdominal cavity, which causes swelling. In order to cure sick fish, you need the help of a vet who will give you the right antibiotics.

Tuberculosis is a common infectious bacterial disease in fish. Infected individuals shall be removed from the tank immediately in order to avoid infecting further healthy fish. Sick fighters lose weight despite their appetite because their internal organs are destroyed. In some individuals nodules appear under the skin, e.g. behind the eyes they cause "exophthalmos", which turn into ulcers. People can become infected with fish tuberculosis, which causes nodules on the skin, it is not a serious infection. Once the disease has been diagnosed, all precautions must be taken. The final diagnosis of the disease is possible after the section.

how to treat a sick fighter


Skin diseases in fighters include: velvet disease, oodiniosis, velvet disease, golden sand disease, rust disease. The latter is caused by protozoa from the group of bruises - in freshwater fish it is Oodinium pillularis or Oodinium limnetioum, and in the case of marine fish it is Oodinium ocellatum and is called coral fish disease. An untreated disease can lead to a significant disease, especially in young fish.

The presence of parasites in a reservoir of the genus Oodinium may be unnoticeable for a long time. It is only during infection of the whole body and fins of the fish that mucus and tiny, dark yellow-brown dots can be observed. During a major invasion, a dark pearl or slightly golden coating appears on the body. In the light of the bloom resembles a tiny powder, and in the areas most affected by the skin is flaky.

Infected fighters are irritated and rub against aquarium decorations. Sometimes, however, they are hidden among the plants, they are judged. During illness they lose their appetite and eat little. Fish fins may be glued together, folded, slightly frayed. If the skin on the gills is attacked, respiratory problems occur. Petechiae and congestion of the gill leaves often appear.

The quarantine period is 10-14 days. A bath can then be used to eliminate the parasite carrier.

Medicinal preparations do not always cope with parasites. Treatment baths at the temperature of 27-30°C in an exposed tank are recommended. In this way we significantly shorten the entire developmental cycle, causing a faster treatment. If oodiniosis has been found in an aquarium, even in one fighter or other fish, all fish should be transferred to a replacement tank as soon as possible and treated there. During this time the aquarium should be heated at a temperature of 25-27 degrees Celsius and illuminated and disinfectants such as Aquaseptin or Abioseptin should be administered. The cured fish can only be transferred to the aquarium after 7-8 days. Such action provides guarantees for a complete cessation of the disease.



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